Seder Italian Style
Audio recording of a Roman and Tripolinian Seder, commentaries, Pesach guidebook for children, transliterated Haggadah and much more available online at
The Italian Haggadah (Belforte Publishers).
On the occasion of its bicentenary, Belforte republished in anastatic copy [raised relief], one of its signature books which has been popular throughout the world: the celebrated Haggadah of Pesach in Hebrew and Italian, with original woodcut prints. Copies may be personalized to order by contacting Belforte.
The Judeo-Roman Haggadah
Beautifully illustrated this rare example of contemporary popular liturgical art from Rome, curated by Amedeo Spagnoletto and Reuven Benaya is available through the Jewish Museum of Rome.
The Haggadah of Emanuele Luzzati
One of the modern classics of Italian publishing, the Haggadah illustrated by Emanuele Luzzati is available with Italian and English translation by mail order from La Giuntina.
HaGadya, et cetera.
Passover songs in Italian are available in the scholarly release “Tradizioni Musicali degli Ebrei Italiani” curated by Francesco Spagnolo (HUJ) and in the artistic recording “La Historia de Purim” (Lucidarium).
Pesach Delights
Gnocchi, pizza di Pesach e sugo di cernia are among the traditional offerings of the Italian Jewish cookbook.
Ciambelette di Pesach
Mazzot Shemurot con Rav Piperno
Haroset Italian Style
(published by and based on publications of the Adei-Wizo.)
1lb of roasted almonds
1 1/2 lb of bitter almonds
4 spoons of sugar
Yolk of 4 hard boiled eggs
2 lb of apples
Juice of 2 or 3 oranges
white wine or cognac
1 regular mazzah
2 sweet mazzoth
1 lb of boiled chestnuts
(some add cinnamon)
Northern and Central Italy
Sweet and bitter almonds
Peel of a lemon and an orange
Juice of an orange
2 lb of fresh dates
Fresh pepper
This haroset is briefly cooked and served with drops of vinegar.
1 lb of chestnuts
2 1/2 lb. of apples
1 lb. of walnuts
1 lb of dates
1 lb. of dry prunes
1 lb. of golden raisins
De hazer el Arosset
Tomaran mansanas, o peras cozidas en agua:auellanas, o almendras: castanas piladas, o nuezes: higos, o passas: y despues de cozido, molerloan mucho, y destemplarloan con vinagre de vino el mas fuerte que hallaren. Y despues mesclarlean un poco de polvo de ladrillo, por memoria de los ladrillos que nuestros padres hizieron en Egipto. Y para se comer, se echa un poco de polvo de canela por en sima.Y queriendo poner mas de otras frutas y espesias dentro del cozimiento, lo pueden azer.
Dela Hagadah de Pesah.Ordinado y Imprimido a requisicion y despeza de
David de Iacob Valencin, Livorno nella stamperia de Gio. Vincenzo Bonfigli per gli eredi del Minaschi, anno 5414, (1654)
Cook apples or pears in water. Add hazelnuts or almonds, peeled chestnuts or walnuts, figs or raisins. Chop all ingredients finely with the strongest vinegar you have. Mix a pinch of brick dust in memory of the bricks that our fathers made in Egypt. Before serving add a sprinkle of ground cinnamon. If you wish, you can use different fruit and spices.
Haggadah of Pesach printed by David de Iacob Valencin in Livorno by the printing press of Vincenzo Bonfigli, 5414 (1654).